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Legal Articles
Whistleblower Law
According to the False Claims Act “FCA” an employee who has a claim against his employer may bring the claim under Qui Tam. The theory Qui Tam means bringing a claim “in the name of the king.” Under Whistleblower law if the employee’s disclosure results in the recovery of money for the “king” then the employee is entitled to obtain a portion of the monies recovered. By using the principle of Qui Tam, it is possible for an employee whistleblower to trace money and determined who profited from an illegal arrangement or some other fraudulent conduct and bring a claim. The plain text of the FCA's reverse claims provision is clear: any individual who "knowingly conceals or knowingly and improperly avoids or decreases an obligation to pay or transmit money or property to the Government" may be subject to liability.
Understanding the Addiction to Gambling
Gambling is increasingly recognized as a public health issue, contributing to ongoing health inequalities, the experience of physical and mental health problems, and overall poor wellbeing. The impacts of gambling can be long lasting, affecting the health and wellbeing of individuals, families, and communities. Patients with depression and those who drink at risky levels are twice as likely to report gambling problems. Harmful gambling for some can become pathological with features of dependent behavior. Problem gambling is associated with anxiety disorders as well as suicidal thoughts and behavior.
Protecting Mental Health Records and Psychotherapy Notes
In order to identify the importance of protecting psychotherapy notes, it is necessary to understand the differences between the two types of healthcare provider notes. Healthcare professionals take detailed notes as an essential component of patient care to diagnose and treat patients. Any identifying medical information relevant to the patient falls under the umbrella of Protected Health Information (PHI) category under HIPAA and must remain confidential. Often, behavioral changes are red flags prior to an incident or episode, and these changes need to be closely monitored especially when there is a duty based on a special relationship by a mental healthcare provider. As such, a patient’s behavioral changes can occur due to medication regiment changes, stress, or neurochemical imbalances (induced naturally or by chemical substance).
Childhood Development - "Understanding the Importance of Activities"
Caregivers play a significant role in the development of a child's social, cognitive, and emotional and physical growth. We hope sugar, spice, and everything nice will operate as positive guide to keep a child afloat in a bliss-like aura of rainbows, sunshine, and puppies. Unfortunately life does not always workout that way, even when people try their hardest to protect the child from harmful experiences that they may encounter. Sometimes families experience tragic events and/or situations that spiral downward causing either a trauma like deterioration of the stability of a family or complete upheaval normalcy in the family. Often the child are left to their own, to keep their chin up and roll with the punches. As such, the mental stress that falls upon these children interferes with their growth and development.